You cannot deconstruct unless you know how to construct. - Alexander McQueen

archive for September 28th, 2006

Ton Almighty

Thursday, September 28th, 2006

The velvet rope. In or out. I am puzzled by the folks that stand outside clubs hour after hour, eager to get in or have their name on a magic list. Bouncers part the crowds to make way for the chosen coterie. What is the x factor for cool? At one time there was an equation to solve for whether you have enough of “it”, or bon ton, to belong to the fashionable circle. The equation for ton was well-guarded by, ‘that Most Distinguished and Despotic CONCLAVE, Composed of their High Mightinesses the Lady Patronesses of the Balls at ALMACK’S, the Rulers of Fashion, the Arbiters of Taste, the Leaders of Ton’. (Ellen Moers. The Dandy: Brummell to Beerbohm Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1960)

Princess Lieven, 20, lady-patroness of Almacks dukesofbuckingham-org.jpg
Princess Lieven, lady patroness at Almack’s by Sir Thomas Lawrence, circa 1805
