You cannot deconstruct unless you know how to construct. - Alexander McQueen

archive for September 20th, 2006

Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts: Final Year Collections - Vladimir Lazarevic

Wednesday, September 20th, 2006

I will close my coverage of the Academy’s final year collections with Vladimir Lazarevic’s “Ambrosia Field”. This collection is his vision of the Bacchanalia as seen through Baroque-colored lenses. “You can immediately associate with the Bacchanalian mood, but I wanted a more romantic approach so I used a sensuous Baroque view on the subject to achieve a bohemian mood. So my complete concept is built up on the centaurs’ looks, behavior and their presentation in Baroque art.” Lazarevic not only demonstrates a balanced silhouette combining man and beast but also a balance in his work between calculated craftsmanship and intuitive design.

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Vladimir Lazarevic “Ambrosia Field”
